Safety beliefs, standards, leadership & performance


Meet Jason Thain.

So Jason, how did you end up working for Generative HSE?

I've known Marc McLaren for quite some time now and our mutual respect has grown over the last 10 or so years. I see Generative HSE as a respected consulting organisation that only works with consultants who are experienced, personable and have real experience in the field. I think this 'real life' experience is vital to forging successful partnerships with our clients and is part of the appeal for working with Generative HSE. I often tell people it’s like the old Remington electric razor commercial with Victor Kiam in it where he states “I was so impressed with it , I bought the company”, I was really impressed with Generative HSE I couldn’t afford to buy them so I decided to work for them instead.

What's your 'real life' experience then?

I started my career with the Department of Defence and then went into the mining sector. I entered into mining in an entry level working on the service crew. I then progressed through a variety of roles and positions in the industry. Having worked in the various roles I had an appreciation of ensuring systems and procedures must relate to how the work is really conducted. I witnessed on many occasions new rules or procedures implemented from the top down without consultation, the end result of this is people bypass the system because it doesn’t work. When people bypass systems they create their own method of conducting tasks and that can become problematic for many reasons.  I pursued the Risk and Safety field after witnessing a workplace fatality, it really drove home the stark reality that if things are not planned and executed properly there is a very real chance that a workplace fatality can occur. Simply relying on systems and ticking boxes is not enough, there needs to be continual effort from all areas of an organisation to implement and maintain an effective Risk Management and Safety system.

What is your area of expertise?

Generative HSE does a lot of work to support organisations with Critical Risk Management. Whilst I enjoy working across all facets of WHS Management, I am passionate about engaging with clients to help them effectively manage their critical risks. It's something that is just so important and yet is often managed so badly. By implementing some key principles and initiatives and engaging at the right level in the business, we can make lasting change that will save lives. I pride myself on being able to collaborate with clients to achieve realistic, practical and sustainable solutions specific to the needs of their organisation. Due to the uniqueness of different organisations you cannot rely on a one size fits all solution, especially when dealing with Critical Risk.

Where do you see the industry is headed?

Critical Risk is certainly gaining momentum across many industries, I think it is a step in the right direction to focus greater effort towards the low potential high consequence events. It may be a one in 50 year event, but if that year happened to be this year what would we do?

The advancement of smart devices and development of apps will prove to be vital tools for workers in the prevention of work place fatalities. However these apps must be fit for purpose and designed specific for the organisation. I believe that Critical Risk will become a part of most organisations Risk Management Systems, it is an evolution of Risk Management not a new way of managing risk.